NEW!!! 7 Classes with Ninja Nick Hanson and Forest Strick




The Eskimo Ninja Warrior Camp offers a 7-week comprehensive Ninja Warrior training program. Every week the students will spend 2.5 hours with a new set of obstacles, learning the skills necessary to compete at a high level while balancing the importance of
sportsmanship and humility.

2nd – 12th grade

Schedule:   Saturdays at the Arctic Rec Center
• Session 3: Mar. 30 – May 25 (2024) Tentative. Dome schedule Pending

11-1:30 or 2-4:30

Tiamuna Cancellation Policy: 

No Refunds, No Transfers, No Cancellations, No Returns 

Participants can pause or postpone services, but this is on a case-by-case basis and up to the discretion of the Tiamuna Staff and the Service Provider.