Alaska Theatre of Youth Devise-It-Yourself Theatre




Devise-It-Yourself Theatre
ATY is excited to present a new kind of performance opportunity! We welcome back ATY favorite director, Lauren Rotante (Imagine a Dragon, Lord of the S’mores, and Spooktacular Time) as well as playwright Caroline Lapinski (Lord of the S’mores) for a four-week workshop on devised and physical theatre. This workshop will introduce young artists in Anchorage to innovative theatre techniques not currently offered locally while also giving artists state-wide an introduction to devised theatre. The first two weeks will involve virtual classes focusing on creating a show from scratch, devising scripts collaboratively, and storytelling through movement. The final two weeks will be dedicated to in-person rehearsals and creating an original performance piece, culminating in a work-in-progress showing for the community.

Auditions are by self-tape and open to ages 10-18.

Submit two videos with the following:
1) 30-60 second Monologue
2) a video of something you created: script, idea, comic book, song, monologue, dance, variations on an improv game, make-up look, costume…the sky is the limit here!

Videos should be uploaded to the ATY Google Drive.
Videos are due by November 1. Production Fee: $75 **Students must submit an audition video and be accepted to take part in this opportunity**

Tiamuna Cancellation Policy: 
No Refunds, No Transfers, No Cancellations, No Returns 
Participants can pause or postpone services, but this is on a case-by-case basis and up to the discretion of the Tiamuna Staff and the Service Provider.